List of Diseases > Cramp


Why do you get Cramps & Joint Pains
Cramps can occur due to physical or medical conditions. In the first part it is caused by sports activity involving strenuous exercises like a triathlon, a 5 setter tennis match or team event like football that goes into extra time often causes muscle cramps. Medical conditions like cirrhosis (liver disease) , hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis (treatment for kidney failure) most likely causes muscle cramps. Pregnant women develop muscle cramps, particularly during the last trimester

How does homeopathy mediccine for cramps & joint pain work
Homeopathy medicines like Hypericum and colocynths act upon excessive firing of neurons in the spinal cord that control muscle contraction and cause cramps. Magnesium Salts like Magnesium Phosphoricum (Mag Phos) is one of the important mineral for muscle cramps. 5 Phos corrects any nerve deficiencies that is known to cause cramps. 

Can body toxicity cause cramps?  How does homeopathy help in such condition
In some people high levels of toxic (poisonous) substances in the blood, such as lead or mercury can cause cramps. As mentioned earlier liver & kidney ailments has a direct bearing on blood tooxicity as also on cramps. Homeopathy remedies like galium aparine stimulates excretion of toxins in urological tract, improves condition of mucous membranes.  Glechona hederacea cleanses body fluids , treats infectioon of serous membranes . Clemats erecta stimulates lymphatic system. Check Adel 66 Toxex drops

Which Homeopathy remedies are considered  effective  in treating cramps
Homeopathic remedy Arica is a great pain reliever, Zincum met acts on leg cramps, Rhus Tox is good for sprains and  redness, joint injuries. Colocynthis is is a remedy for neuralgic pain. Gaultheria Oil relieves stiffness.

Why is this treatent useful to you or your family.
Unlike other forme of treatment homeopathy  is considered safe & effective. In allopathy certain types of medication, such as statins (medicines that help lower cholesterol levels) are known to cause side effects like cramps Others are raloxifene, nifedipine, nicotinic acid: to aoid.

When should you see a doctor.
If you have an underlying medical condition , the cramps  will have other symptoms, such as numbness or swelling. In such cases a doctor consultation is adviised.






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